Online training is a valuable and cost-effective way for people to obtain new skills and education. However, we believe a combination of both will give you a better understanding of The Anne Penman Laser Therapy course. Our course allows you to study the theory at home or in your favourite cafe and prepare to attend a practical course of your choice.
Working together in the classroom allows the teacher and student to create a healthy relationship and enjoy sharing knowledge. It also allows the teacher to share case studies and examples of real-life experiences. Classroom learning also limits distractions because it takes place in a designated space which can usually be closed off to others.
Our course consists of three modules, one for smoking cessation, one for weight loss and finally one for stress management. Each module comes with a step by step manual, that is easy to read and understand which can be a useful reference manual. Our course can be added to an existing practice or used to set up a stand-alone clinic.
Why not contact Anne and set up an online meeting to discuss your options and find out more.